jueves, 25 de abril de 2013

Contemplative Prayer

The Cova offers a new large space for contemplative quiet prayer.
As part of the important work of restoration that is being undertaken at the Spiritual Center, the new 4th floor has been designed for contemplative practices.
On the week-end of 19-21th April it was inaugurated by a group of near 30 retreatants.


Contemplative prayer hall


Ignatian Immersion Course (IIC 2013)

The thrird edition of the Ignatian Immersion Course has started!
We welcome our 34 particpants coming from the five continents, speaking 20 different mother tongues, and having English as common language.

The opnening session was presided by Father Provintial on Sunday, April 21.
The participants are already "immersed" in the Cave of Manresa where they will be sharing lectures, reflections, prayers, visits to relevant places... And all that, in the same place where Ignatius of Loyola experienced a profound inner transformation, the fruits of which are still flourishing today.

Opening Session

Praying in the caves

New Blog!

We are pleased to start our blog "From Cova Manresa" and we hope that it will be a good way to stay in touch with all our friends around the world.
To update you with the activities from The International Spiritual Center Cova de Sant Ignasi in Manresa, Spain. To keep in touch with you.

Welcome to our blog!